Friday, June 17, 2011


So, since I've been wanting to buy Bulletstorm, I decided to get the demo off of Steam. I expected it to be a fun half-hour, as most demos are. After downloading the full gb that it was (which turned out to be the full game), I hopped into it. Immediately, Games For Windows Live opened (Blech!). It insisted that I put in a cd-code that I didn't have, since I was playing the demo. In fact, the only thing that you can do in the demo is play an "Echo", essentially what seems to be a sort of timed speed-run mission, which lasted for 6 minutes. I downloaded a full gigabyte and got to play for 6 minutes. What a demo.
However, it wasn't all bad.

It's definitely just a shoot-em-up. The more creative ways you kill in, the more points you get. It's not revolutionary, but it looks and plays great, and is probably fun as all hell in co-op. I'm definitely going to buy it once the price drops a bit more, but it would've been nice to have a better demo- a one map, 6 minute demo is pretty pathetic. It convinced me to buy it, though, so I guess it did its job. Look for the full review in the coming months (possibly).