Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Steam Thanksgiving Sale

If you've been thinking of getting some new games, Steam is having a Thanksgiving sale from now until the 27th. The deals are really great, with the Steam specials section claiming to have 1,639 games, and new deals are being added each day! So if you've been looking for some good deals, now's the time!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

ITV use fake game footage, claiming it to be "authentic"

So, you ready to hear the pinnacle of, well, plain foolishness?
The ITV over in the UK recently aired a documentary about the IRA and Muammar Gaddafi. In the documentary, they used footage from, wait for it, ArmA II. Yes, ArmA II. The video game. They claimed it to be authentic footage of the IRA shooting down a chopper. They blame the footage being used on human error. That's a pretty damned big error. Maybe they were hoping no one who watches ITV is a gamer?
Youtube vid right there.
Also, the company (Bohemia) that owns this wasn't approached about using the video either.

Full of win? I think not.

Friday, June 17, 2011


So, since I've been wanting to buy Bulletstorm, I decided to get the demo off of Steam. I expected it to be a fun half-hour, as most demos are. After downloading the full gb that it was (which turned out to be the full game), I hopped into it. Immediately, Games For Windows Live opened (Blech!). It insisted that I put in a cd-code that I didn't have, since I was playing the demo. In fact, the only thing that you can do in the demo is play an "Echo", essentially what seems to be a sort of timed speed-run mission, which lasted for 6 minutes. I downloaded a full gigabyte and got to play for 6 minutes. What a demo.
However, it wasn't all bad.

It's definitely just a shoot-em-up. The more creative ways you kill in, the more points you get. It's not revolutionary, but it looks and plays great, and is probably fun as all hell in co-op. I'm definitely going to buy it once the price drops a bit more, but it would've been nice to have a better demo- a one map, 6 minute demo is pretty pathetic. It convinced me to buy it, though, so I guess it did its job. Look for the full review in the coming months (possibly).

Saturday, April 30, 2011

New post

Since it's been around a month since I've last updated, I feel it's time for a new post. It'll be about my opinion on The Walking Dead, since I just finished watching the first season. Then I'll do something about games later, if I can.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Minecraft update 1.4 (journal entry #2

Is another glorious day. But something feels if....the world has been updated. 
The voices tell me that wolves have been appearing. I must find. Apparently, I can tame wolf. Is good. I go in search of wolves.

Half a day passes.
No wolves.
Perhaps I will not be dancing with the wolves.

I wander for more hours.

No wolves.
I am getting pissed off. I want a pet wolf. I will name him Cujo. After the dog that everyone loved....or was that Benji?
Never mind it. I give up search. Am going home. Screw the voices..

I find pigs...I find sheep. But no wolves. 

So, in  last attempt, I ask for help from the God. I say, "Google, why I find no wolves?"
Google says, "Lots of people have this problem. Keep searching, my son."

I say,

I am sad....

I guess I will be

I head home, tired and sad. Today...was not glorious day. getting dark. I must go. Zombies will come to me.

At home, I am sad. No wolves. But tomorrow, I go in search of them. 

For now.
I look upon my kingdom.

Wishing I had someone to share it with.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Minecraft Journal Entry #1!

*Note- Sorry about the pictures being small, trying to figure out how to re-size them. 

Diary of Borov Ikashtinov. June 14, ----

Ah. Is glorious day in BorovLand.

The air is clean. The sheep frolic. Is glorious.
I have recently finished Project Delta, a cave tour. Is beautiful tour. Only cost 1 diamond or 2 gold.
Is not long before I hear growl of zombie. Blood shall be spilled. 
I blow the hell out of a mountain, before I realize I am looking in the wrong place.
I blow another hole in the mountain

and then....
I have found the zombie
But I am unarmed....
My fists are no match for the hellish abomination, and I crawl out of the chasm.
The zombie burns in the sunlight
I fix up my mountain trail, going up to the top, where I watch the sun set over the horizon

Was glorious (if short) day.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Minecraft journal

I'm going to start doing a Minecraft journal, telling of my escapades through the eyes of "Borov, the Glorious Russian." I'll start it soon.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New post tomorrow

Game article, too. Minecraft or Starcraft, still deciding

Thick fog + my imagination = not fun

It was rather foggy out today. While walking up the road to my house, it started to set in even more. Having recently read about The Rake and the Slender Man, while also reading "The Mist", set off my imagination. It doesn't help either when you hear a car, look down the road and see a light, then blink and it's not there. Of course, that was probably my already frazzled mind looking for something to scare me.
On the topic of the Slender Man and The Rake-
The Slender Man is an internet phenomenon, started in a  Paranormal Photoshop-a-picture thread. He appears as a tall, slender man with many arms. Read about him here. 
The Rake is apparently sort of like the Slender Man, except more alien like, and I haven't read as much about him.  I'd link the site where I found the story, but it seems to have gone down. Just look up "The Rake Monster" on any search engine, and you should get some stuff. They both provide a good read.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

First post!

My god! It's full of words!

This is my first post. I assume that very few or no people are going to see this.
Why did I start a blog? Mostly because I have always wanted to. I thought it'd be cool to make one, so I did. What do I hope to achieve? Mass. Internet. Fame.
The adoration of thousands.
Stuff like that. Let's hope it works!