Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thick fog + my imagination = not fun

It was rather foggy out today. While walking up the road to my house, it started to set in even more. Having recently read about The Rake and the Slender Man, while also reading "The Mist", set off my imagination. It doesn't help either when you hear a car, look down the road and see a light, then blink and it's not there. Of course, that was probably my already frazzled mind looking for something to scare me.
On the topic of the Slender Man and The Rake-
The Slender Man is an internet phenomenon, started in a  Paranormal Photoshop-a-picture thread. He appears as a tall, slender man with many arms. Read about him here. 
The Rake is apparently sort of like the Slender Man, except more alien like, and I haven't read as much about him.  I'd link the site where I found the story, but it seems to have gone down. Just look up "The Rake Monster" on any search engine, and you should get some stuff. They both provide a good read.


  1. This blog post was not full of games and therefore i am depressed. On top of that i am depressed that something that originated on the internet is scaring you in real life. I guess its better than listening to you sing SOUL MAN.

  2. I'll post something with games tomorrow. Quit yer whining.
